The project “Atlas of the Economic Development and Investments in Ukraine” is created for the purpose of distribution of information on economic indicators of Ukraine in the most convenient for viewing and analysis form.
Target audience of the project – investors, analysts, business, representatives of mass media, students and scientists.
Partners in implementation – Local Investments and National Competitiveness Project (USAID LINC,, Internet portal, and Kyiv economics institute.
The State Statistics Service data ( and the specialized organizations data purchased by Kyiv economics institute for use within its statutory activities, are used for the visualization.
The Atlas of economic development is a software product which is based on siteGist CMS management system, and functions, using the algorithms of determination of positions in a rating and visualization. Usage of the Atlas is for free, references to the Atlas and the data fetch is welcomed.
The Atlas provides fast access to information on an economic situation in Ukraine, however it is not the universal tool. If You need more detailed information for Your management decision – you are recommended to contact the specialists.
Information provided by means of the Atlas, is not the official position of the Kyiv economics institute or its partners in project implementation but only graphically displays the data received from the organizations and institutions, professionally engaged in their collection.
To address directly to Kyiv economics institute –, tel. +38 044 492 80 12, fax +38 044 379 29 04